Quick posting / integration

In this section, you will find methods to post your transport requests faster.
With a simple Excel or API integration your loads are posted easier.

Quick posting / integration

When you have several loads to transport, 123cargo can help you to find faster transport solutions.

The posting of loads can be easier and faster, by simultaneously posting of several loads, through an Excel file or by interfacing 123cargo with your own sofware used for the management of your transport business (TMS/ERP).

Bulk load posting from Excel file

If you have all your freight centralized in an Excel file, now you can post them simultaneously by uploading an Excel file in „I have a load” page.

The file can have a predefined structure (available for download in „I have a load” page), but the structure can also be customized based on the data you have available.

If you have a software to manage your freights, you can export your loads in Excel and upload all of them simultaneously, saving the time needed to post them manually one by one.

API integration

API (application program interfaces) is a flexible interface, compatible with all frequently used programming languages, that offers connectivity between your software (ERP, TMS) and 123cargo.

API offers the possibility to integrate any online application, without taking into account the compatibility between different platforms.


  • Synchronization of loads postings
  • Synchronization of trucks postings
  • Improving the workflow by using a single system (yours)
  • Increasing productivity
  • Performance monitoring with your own software

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